The applications listed below have been published in Power BI for certain groups of users. If you would like to request access to an application, please follow the instructions on the right. The application owners will review the request and respond to you. If you are interested in developing reporting applications to share with others, please review the Power BI Development page.
Power BI Applications
Application Name | Description | How to request access | Intended audience |
Public | Generic UCSB data, such as academic calendar, lists of majors, departments, etc., bike path peak times, and other various reports. | Email | |
Student Reporting | Student reports from the Student Registration system Gaucho Blue. | Request Access | |
Enrollment Analytics | Student enrollment reports and statistics for colleges and academic departments. | Request Access | |
Course Analytics | Course reports and statistics for colleges and academic departments. | Request Access | |
Program Review | Reports that provide data for the academic department program review process. | Request Access | |
1st Generation/Transfer | Student reports for 1st Generation and transfer students. | Request Access | |
EOP | Student reports for the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students. | Request Access | |
Veteran | Student reports for veterans and veteran dependents. | Request Access | |
DSP | Student reports for students in the Disabled Students Program. | Request Access | |
Summer Session | Student reports for the Office of Summer Sessions. | Request Access | |
Athletics | Student reports for NCAA athletes. | Request Access | |
Black Student Development | Student reports for the Office of Black Student Development. | Request Access | |
International Students | Student reports for the Office of International Students. | Request Access | |
Registrar | Student reports for the Office of the Registrar. | Request Access | |
DETAiL | Course demographics reports for instructors. | Email | |
Recreation | Student reports for the Recreation department. | Request Access | |
Student Events | Reports for student events managed in Shoreline. | Request Access | |
Student Directory | Student lists by level and registration status. | Request Access | |
Graduate Division Academic Operations | Operational reports for the Graduate Division Academic unit. | Email academics@graddiv.ucsb. |
Graduate Division Financial Operations | Operational reports for the Graduate Division Financial unit. | Email | |
Graduate Division Admissions Dashboard | Graduate Division Applicant Statistical reports. | Email | |
OFAS | Reporting on financial aid disbursements and awards with respect to students, internal to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship department. | Email finaiddirector@sa. |
SABOG Budget Tracking | Budget reports for Student Affairs Business Officers. | Email | |
SIST Operations | SIS&T operations reports such as help desk statistics, code deployment statistics, and job execution reports. | Email | |
SIST Jira Reporting | SIS&T project and task reporting from the Jira instance | Email | |
Power BI Usage | Usage data for Power BI apps, reports and users. | Email | |
Power BI Capacity Metrics | Power BI tenant premium capacity usage and resource utilization analysis. | Email | |
UCSB Covid | UCSB Internal Covid Reporting | Email | |
Enterprise Data Services | UCPath Reports | ServiceNow Access Request | |
CAPS Leadership | CAPS PNC Instance Reporting | Email | |
BT_Org | Financial Reports for the OCIO, SIS&T and ETS Integrated Organization | Email | |
Title IX | Title IX Reports | Request Access | |
Student Health | Student Health PNC Instance Reports | Email | |
Power BI Metrics | Report Utilization Metrics Reports from the Power BI Logs | Email |