Power BI Visual Guidelines
- Follow the steps below to achieve a slicer look like the picture above.
- Use the Dropdown option.
- Set search if the data returns a large number of items.
- General:
- Outline Color: White (FFFFFF)
- Y Position: 0
- Height: 85
- Selection Controls: Off
- Slicer Header:
- Font Color: Navy (003660)
- Background Color: White (FFFFFF)
- Alignment: (left)
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Font Family: Segoe (Bold)
- Items:
- Font Color: Navy (003660)
- Background Color: White 10% Darker (E6E6E6)
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Font Family: Segoe UI
- Title: Off
- Background: Off
- Lock Aspect: Off
- Border: Off
- Shadow: Off
- Visual Header:
- Follow the steps below to achieve a table look like the picture above.
- General:
- Style: Alternating Rows
- Grid:
- Vertical Grid: On
- Vertical Grid Color: (E7E7E7) default
- Vertical Grid Thickness: 1 (default)
- Horizontal Grid: On
- Horizontal Grid Color: (E7E7E7) default
- Horizontal Grid Thickness: 1 (default)
- Row Padding: 3 (default)
- Outline Color: Navy (003660)
- Outline Weight: 1
- Text Size: 11 pt (default)
- Image Height: 75 (default)
- Column Headers:
- Font Color: White (FFFFFF)
- Background Color: Navy (003660)
- Outline: Bottom Only (optional)
- Auto-size column width: On (optional)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Alignment: Auto (optional)
- Title Alignment: Auto (optional)
- URL icon:
- Word wrap: (optional)
- Row Headers:
- Font Color: Navy (003660)
- Background Color: White (FFFFFF)
- Outline: Right Only (optional)
- Stepped Layout: On (optional)
- Stepped layout indention: 10 (optional)
- URL icon:
- Word wrap: (optional)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Alignment: Auto (optional)
- +/- icons: Off (optional)
- Values:
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Background color: White (FFFFFF)
- Alternate Font color: Navy (003660)
- Alternate Background color: (EFEFEF) (default)
- Outline: None
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Total:
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Background color: White 30% Darker (B3B3B3)
- Outline: None
- Font family: Segoe UI (bold)
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Field Formatting: (default)
- Conditional Formatting: (optional)
- Title:
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Background color: White (FFFFFF)
- Alignment: Left
- Text size: 11 pt
- Font family: Segoe (bold)
- Background: Off
- Lock Aspect: Off
- Border: Off
- Shadow: Off
- Visual Header: On
- General:
- Style: Alternating Rows
- Grid:
- Vertical Grid: On
- Vertical Grid Color: (E7E7E7) default
- Vertical Grid Thickness: 1 (default)
- Horizontal Grid: On
- Horizontal Grid Color: (E7E7E7) default
- Horizontal Grid Thickness: 1 (default)
- Row Padding: 3 (default)
- Outline Color: Navy (003660)
- Outline Weight: 1
- Text Size: 11 pt (default)
- Image Height: 75 (default)
- Column Headers:
- Font Color: White (FFFFFF)
- Background Color: Navy (003660)
- Outline: Bottom Only (optional)
- Auto-size column width: On (optional)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Alignment: Auto (optional)
- Title Alignment: Auto (optional)
- URL icon:
- Word wrap: (optional)
- Row Headers:
- Font Color: Navy (003660)
- Background Color: White (FFFFFF)
- Outline: Right Only (optional)
- Stepped Layout: On (optional)
- Stepped layout indention: 10 (optional)
- URL icon:
- Word wrap: (optional)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Text Size: 11 pt
- Alignment: Auto (optional)
- +/- icons: Off (optional)
- Values:
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Background color: White (FFFFFF)
- Alternate Font color: Navy (003660)
- Alternate Background color: (EFEFEF) (default)
- Banded row style: On (default)
- Show on rows: Off (default)
- Outline: None (default)
- URL icon:
- Word wrap: (optional)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Text size: 11 pt
- Subtotals: (optional)
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Background color: White 20% Darker (CCCCCC)
- Text size: 11 pt
- Apply to labels: Off (default)
- Row subtotal position: (optional)
- Per row level: (optional)
- Per column row: (optional)
- Grand total:
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Background color: White 30% Darker (B3B3B3)
- Apply to labels: On
- Text size: 11 pt
- Field formatting: (optional)
- Conditional formatting: (optional)
- Title:
- Word wrap:
- Font Color: Navy (003660)
- Background color: White (FFFFFF)
- Alignment: (left)
- Text size: 15 pt
- Font family: Segoe (bold)
- Background: Off
- Lock Aspect: On (optional)
- Border: Off
- Shadow: Off
- Visual Header: On
- General:
- X Axis:
- Color: Navy (033660)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Y Axis:
- Color: Navy (033660)
- Font family: Segoe UI
- Plot area:
- Legend: (optional)
- Title: (optional)
- Data Colors: See UCSB Data Colors. Try to use the “Cool” color pallet.
- Data labels: (optional)
- Category: (optional)
- Title: (optional)
- Font color: Navy (003660)
- Background color: White (FFFFFF)
- Text size: 15 pt
- Font family: Segoe (bold)
- Background: Off
- Lock aspect: (optional)
- Border: (optional)
- Color: Navy (003660)
- Radius: (optional), 0 (default)
- Shadow: Off
- Tooltip: On (default)
- Navy: 003660 *
- Sea green: 09847A *
- Aqua: 047C91 *
- Clay: DCD6CC *
- Light Clay: F1EEEA *
- Sandstone: C9BF9D *
- Mist: 9CBEBE *
- White (FFFFFF) *
- Black (000000) *
- Gold: FEBC11
- Light Gray darken 80: 111517
- Light Gray: DCE1E5
- Light light Gray: EEF0F2
- Moss: 6D7D33
- Coral: EF5645
- Dark Coral: C43424
- Light Sandstone: EDEADF
- Light Mist: DAE6E6
* “Cool” color pallet